Social Media (Page 2)

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based activity, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. A computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of content, ideas, other information and the building of virtual networks and communities.

Facebook Marketing Tools

Facebook marketing is a platform that allows brands to sell their products and services to a large audience through a range of highly targeted paid ads and organic posts. As you know Facebook is not only used for connecting and interacting with your friends, but also for marketing purposes. While its popularity has diminished over […]Continue Reading

Top 5 Secrets of Business Marketing on Instagram

Instagram, which is anticipated to have 1.2 billion users by 2023, provides a huge opportunity for small business owners to expand their marketing efforts, and marketers all over the world are aware of this. According to the Social Media Examiner’s social media marketing report for 2021, “78% of marketers are using Instagram.” Marketers regard it […]Continue Reading

This bad news is something all marketers have already heard and accepted: Consumer attention span is super short, which makes it super challenging to engage them. And yet, the good news is also here: Attention span is evolving, which means you have the instrument to move the needle and win those bloody battles in the […]Continue Reading

The truly successful memes spread like wildfire. That’s exactly why marketers want to leverage these already viral pieces of creative for their own marketing.

Another benefit to meme marketing is that it’s low effort. Most of the work has already been done: It’s being shared all over social media and it has a clear concept. All you have to do is fit the meme to your brand and hit “post.”Continue Reading