
Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

When making a phone call, if you dial the numbers right, it works. Children who have never used a phone often have trouble making it work right for a while, just as we can have trouble making the laws of success work to achieve our goals. It takes practice! WhenContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

So many of our decisions are based on fear of the worst case scenario playing out. Of course! We want to avoid those disasters, naturally. But what if we chose to live our life, always expecting that something wonderful is about to happen? What if it works out? What ifContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Following are some powerful thoughts from Mindset Mastery Program participant Annette Myers. She writes: I recently realized that one of the things I want most in life is emotional prosperity. Some people want financial prosperity, physical prosperity, or mental prosperity. I am, admittedly, an extremely emotional person. I feel the emotions ofContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

The following idea comes from Livia Pewtress (, shared with permission. (Read the FULL story here). She writes: [There] are a few … things we do to help keep the light and connection in our home, and not have our family time hijacked by technology: Devices charge in the kitchenContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

I received a fun message, reminding me of how simple it can be to apply the principles for truly immediate results. Check this out: Hi Leslie! I was thinking of you today. I had lost your book in my daughters room and she finally found it several days ago. I’ve been rereadingContinue Reading